Hello out there to everyone in Blog-Land! I am very excited to be writing this to share my newest goal :) As you can probably tell from the title of the post, I have decided to listen to the call and go to Haiti. Maybe I should start at the beginning. Last year, as many of you know, I took the BIGGEST leap of faith I have ever taken and committed to a mission trip to Zambia, Africa.
Now this was no easy feat, as my family and I are by no means wealthy....we are among the many that live paycheck to paycheck. After hearing about the work that our church, DAYBREAK, was doing there over the past few years, I couldn't get it out of my mind! In fact, it took a full year to finally take the leap and decide to go! The deal was, if I could RAISE the money to do it, I could go. So, being that here in Michigan we have been in the middle of the downturn in the economy, this was not going to be easy. Still, the impression left on my heart was great. I began what was to be four months of intense fund-raising, which included two Craft Days (by far the most fun), a Bake Goods Sale, a sub sale, and door to door pop can drive (definitely the most humbling). After all of these efforts and some generous donations from friends and family, I was still almost $200 short with about two weeks to go! I had no choice but to believe that it was in His hands and wait for him to make it happen! Make it happen He did, and I spent 10 Life-Changing days among the most awe-inspiring people I have ever met in my life! I thought that I was going to change the world, but I think in the end the world changed me! My heart has always been soft for people that need help, and it has only grown more so. Please follow this link to view some pics from the trip.
Fast-forward to today and what I hope to accomplish in the next few weeks and months. What I plan to do is use the talent that He has given me and make an altered item to auction off to fund this next mission trip. Here is a link to our Church's website that goes into detail of what we plan to do while in Haiti.
http://www.daybreak.tv/ (click on Haiti Relief or Experiencing Haiti)
LET THE BIDDING BEGIN! At the end of the bidding, The winning bidder will be directed to my church to send the payment there (bonus...this will make it tax deductable!) and I will ship out your lovely picture :) Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to my story, and I'll see you all soon :)